Zaran the Gardener, planting seeds of & nourishing our Soul with mindfulness


Zaran the Gardener

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Here is another opportunity for mankind to step up, for the United Nations to contribute and lead the Way, creating a Palestinian Gaza as in becoming an example of what we can accomplish together as one people, cousins.  City Planning, Budgeting, Best construction practices, Architectural & Landscape Best practices, we have the possibility of creating something never before accomplished.  Planning should have begun quite some time ago as the War's devastation didn’t start yesterday.  That we failed Haiti in not making the investment to create a new, beautiful Capital after their horrific Earthquake in 2010 is a smudge on the image of mankind and has resulted in that nation’s continued failure.  A source of shame.

We have no one to Blame here.  We are all a part of the whole.  I know there are many fences People are sitting on, each with it’s own perspective, it’s unique sense of righteousness, yet there are always more than “just one” perspective.  Maybe going a little deeper we can find common cause.  The forefathers/mothers of all religions would say get to know your neighbors, learn to communicate, even be helpful.  Understanding is a way of gathering information about what’s important to you, then you can express an opinion based upon “your understanding.”  What if you don’t have all the facts and base your knowledge on “half”’ of what might be considered the whole truth containing many perspectives not only one.  The point is the year is 2025 and we have a great deal of experience in reviewing past events…. Can we allow our good sense to help us flow and move more fortuitously ahead.  The role we play upon this sphere is defined by evolution, to create, to grow, to become.  Get the paddles out, let's get rowing.

World Leaders should know.  The Project to re-build Gaza should be short term, 3 years or as close as possible.  Right, people want to get home.  Yes, bulldoze it flat as needed, Landscaping, Architectural, and City Planning Plans overlapping, implemented…. Construction began.  There is a lot to be done.  It is an opportunity for a great deal of effort, financial rewards, and need be monitored closely and without corruption allowed or allowing just a  few major businesses to in-appropriately prosper at the expense of all others, you understand.

Yes, most likely, most Gazan’s should leave temporarily, not to Egypt or Jordan, but to Syria, if they will agree, and in turn, one hand helps the other, it is only because they have more room and could "use" help in re-building their own beautiful culture, their own civilization.  I don’t think if most of the strip needs to be “re-built” that simultaneously you can live on or about it, yet if there is room and certainly there will be a need for all types of Labor, some land might be utilized for worker settlements? Temporary housing?  It would be nice to prioritize Palestinians (capable) to work in their homeland…  This is the building of a nation, yes, why not, it is not a replacement of Israel, it is in the continuance of the spirit of helping a dis-advantaged People, so, it is the building of another nation, this time for Palestinians.  Through the annals of time you see how we treat those conquered and see in many different ways, paths, avenues.  Let us be wise.  Which do you want to choose, why?  What do you want to be remembered for?

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