Zaran the Gardener, planting seeds of & nourishing our Soul with mindfulness

Do You Know Your Name (?)

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Yes, you do, probably quite a few, you've been called or called Your Self.

Many names for many reasons, then, O.K.

A broader perspective finds Us inviting infinitely  more possibilities, Creation has been around for a long time...

Say, 10 million years ago, your Ancestor as represented in the line of DNA in your cells, what was your Name?  Or, go back 100 million years, (it's not actually very much considering Life is a billion years old.) in your line of DNA and discern "What" and consider what  "Your Name" was then?

Possibilities are without an End.  

Why all this (?)  It is perspective we hold dear, an opportunity to compare,  how we  "dooo"  this is the subject here...

Meditation and Mindfulness can lead to a heightening of One's sensitivity.  Following a path of acquiring positive attributes, pursuits while practicing sensitivity training in Everything, all the time.

The Universe is always turned ON, while we sleeep...  

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Our Goal, finding awe, while feeling one's Self aglow.