Zaran the Gardener, planting seeds of & nourishing our Soul with mindfulness

"You Are," here is where you Practice thinking

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Whom do you think, wrong, that be-ing is already long gone, how many moments have past since you last enquired of Your Self, right?  O.K. similar, maybe more than likely, yet nothing is the same as it was...

that's the fundamental Law of Creation, everything is constantly balancing, rising and falling, shifting, oscillating if you like, back and forth, and in every other direction and means.

It is in-conceivable as the apparent complexity of Creation shows so vividly, just, even on our small planet Earth. 

So, to know thyself, to thine own Self be true, is / are always a changing proposition / goal, and that's cool allowing us an opportunity to change, to help create, to nourish, to grow, to become, to flow, to glow, to shine in the radiance of our be-ing now in what we know, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Our Goal, finding awe, while feeling one's Self aglow.